Northwest Grady-White Club FAQS

Is this a yacht club?
No we are a group of fun loving Grady-White owners who are just glad to be out on the water.
How much to join?
Just $100 a year which includes a Grady-White Burgee, name tag and more.
Do I have to own a Grady-White?
Yep... This club is limited to Grady-White owners only why wouldn't you want to own the best boat afloat?
Do I have to attend meetings?
No but again why wouldn't you want to? We have a meeting (or 2) a year including our two rendezvous and we have a great time! They are designed for couples as well as singles and you will make some of the best friends in your life.
When are the meetings?
January Boat Show : Informal Club Dinner & door prizes
May: First Rendezvous & Cod Derby kickoff of the Year
June-July: Summer Rendezvous
October: Crab Rodeo & Rendezvous
November: Jacobsen's Blackmouth Derby
Become A Member
To become a NWGWC member download and complete the registration form and send it in with your dues we will be in contact and inform you of our upcoming events we will also send you your club Burgee so you can fly it proudly with the rest of the club.
Or download, print, and mail the form.